Sunday, September 14, 2008

The shock is starting to wear off and the numbness is starting to settle in. My mom helped me clean my room yesterday - with seven years worth of dust kiddies eliminated from the nooks and crannies of my closet. My amazing family and friends surround me - I can't get enough hugs. And not those sissy, ew don't touch me hugs - we're talking deep bear hugs with back cracking potential.

Today is going to be tough. But it's necessary and the next step with many, many more steps to come.


Anonymous said...

I have been reading everything I could find for days and been at a total loss for words. I am not even sure you remeber me, we have only met once or twice. I am Anita's daughter. I can't imagine your pain. The time I spent with Ryan were full of laughter and fun. I am so sorry and please know you are in my thoughts a prayers. Know I am there today in spirit. Love Jan

Anonymous said...

We will hold you up my sister. Always remember you are never alone.

Anonymous said...

your strength in dealing with this is admirable, Jen. Keep writing, keep reaching out. I hope to see you sometime soon so I can give you a back breaking bear hug myself.

Please tell Cappy when she's done with your place, she's welcome to come to mine and help me get rid of dust bunnies. Shit. You guys are always welcome. You know that. Lath and I are lifting our glasses, toasting to the life you and Ryan live so passionately, wearing t-shirts, ripped shorts and flip flops here in PA.
love, L&L

Anonymous said...

your strength in dealing with this is admirable, Jen. Keep writing, keep reaching out. I hope to see you sometime soon so I can give you a back breaking bear hug myself.

Please tell Cappy when she's done with your place, she's welcome to come to mine and help me get rid of dust bunnies. Shit. You guys are always welcome. You know that. Lath and I are lifting our glasses, toasting to the life you and Ryan live so passionately, wearing t-shirts, ripped shorts and flip flops here in PA.
love, L&L