Friday, June 23, 2006

Elk-toot-your-horn-stinkin-seat-post-what-was that stage one

So today was going well until about mile 31 when I realized my seat was starting to slip. I lagged back and asked support for an allen wrench and ended up stripping my stinking bolts that hold the seat clamp. So at mile 34 it completely dropped down - and suddenly I'm battling a low ride seat with 40+ more miles to go. Ouch. But quitting is not an option - it never is! So I rode it out and completed a long hilly 40 miles solo. Turns out I was only 36 minutes behind the leader and not second to last, nor third to last - who knows where I stand but I'm not last! So tomorrow I may be able to rock the TT - and the crit. All is looking up!

Jenn did great! She got 2nd and Jana did well too. This means Jenn gets to stay through Sunday and do the long 100 miler. Ok - time to ice the knees....

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