Monday, November 06, 2006

5 days and counting

So the cold weather moved east and the wet and wind took it's place. It's rained HARD the past 5 days in a row. I'm keeping track because last year we almost broke our record of 60 days in a row but on the 37th day it didn't rain in the particular spot they keep track of the precip and the record still stands.

I'm prepared for riding in this crap though, let me tell you. Last winter I put in the miles and hours on the bike - peaking at 22 hours last January. Needless to say I have my system down now. And good thing because I'd rather be wet and poured on than spending hours inside on the trainer. So for all of you wondering what I wear:

1. Bomber rain coat ( - keeps you dry from the outside in and has vents in the pits to help get rid of the sweat.
2. 3mm Diving gloves - sure they make your hands stink like an underwater basket weaver - but you're warm and that's all that matters.
3. Knee high wool socks.
4. 2mm Neoprene Booties
5. Dorky cycling cap (deflects the rain from getting into your eyes)
6. Clear lenses that cover 1/2 your face.

Hmmm.... am I forgetting anything? The only bummer is - as soon as you stop all of that heat you've been generating causes additional moisture and unless you plan on moving again in 5 minutes, you get chilled down to the core and then your mind starts playing tricks on you.

Training has been good the past 3 days. We're working on increasing my threshold by riding just below and around it. 11 more hard core training days and then I test again up Cougar to see if it's making a difference.

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