Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Good things are happening in my life and my drama filled blog may soon be replaced with cycling muses.

That's a good thing, right?

A return to normalcy -yet, altered in an unforgettable, unfathomable way. Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, yet accepting what's going on in my life as real, beautiful and inspiring. I'd tell you more but its going in the book....


Beetlebetty said...

book? I want a copy of that. I love to read your writing. You are SO inspiring Jen. xoxox

Unknown said...

Sounds like someone had a nice weekend.... :)

Anonymous said...

so happy for you (:

HELL(cat) ON WHEELS said...

Glad to hear that... I "hail" from sunny South Carolina... a beginning cyclist...been following your blog for a while now. 'Tis one of my favorites. Glad things are looking up for you. I'll welcome cycling muses... I always enjoy reading GOOD blogs from female cyclists... check mine (blog) out some time... I finally succumbed and joined the world of blogging :) Thanks for the inspiration!