Last night I went to corner two and a sweet memorial was set up for Ryan. Thank you all who pieced that together - the hanging beaners were a great touch. And thank you for the donation and moment of silence.
But more satisfying than anything was heckling Kenny. Ryan would have been proud when I dropped my pants and mooned him. I just couldn't resist - it felt too good. Add an IPA of liquid courage, some serious pent up feelings and my inner child came out. Poor Woody rolled up just as I was dropping my drawers next to Pat - but oh we laughed.
I got to cheer from the outside - and know why Ryan had such a good time watching. Makiah was there too - faithfully at my side. We went out for beers in Ballard afterward with Miller, Molly, Randy, RT, Izette, Pat and Christie- and had a Left Hand IPA - the same brew that his favorite jersey was of.
But oh I'm paying for it a little today... it was SOOOOO worth it!
You were wonderful last night. You are right, Ryan would be proud. You ARE my hero!!!
Jen, Even though we've only met briefly at the track, I've come to see what an incredible person you are and can't even imagine what you're going through right now. To come out Friday night must have been both very painful and yet somewhat cathartic, and I'm glad to see so many of your friends there to support you. I never had the priveledge of meeting Ryan, but I can see why he felt you are so special. My thoughts are with you and you family, and the mooning of Kenny showed me that nothing can destroy your incredible will and spirit, even in the darkest moments.
You are a wonderfully strong woman. You never cease to amaze me.
All my love....
You are a wonderfully strong woman. You never cease to amaze me.
All my love....
Jen, I only met you at the track this night…I was the one who fumbled through a feeble “I’m Sorry….” after we were introduced. I was also the one who later mentioned something about skiing in the Methow, only later realizing that my timing and choice of geography were lame, really lame. Sometimes words get in the way. Just wanted to let you know that I regret saying anything at all, and wish I would have given you a huge, polar bear hug instead.
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