Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Little moments in life...

Little moments in life, the one's that normally go unobserved, often mean the most.

...Watching Benjamin mow the lawn for the first time, while Moonli and Makiah watched from a safe distance....

...Buying a BBQ for our kick ass backyard....

...Getting travel plans arranged for this summer's Spain/London extravaganza....

...Playing Mario Kart tournaments and listening to Benjamin dish out how much better he is than me and then rubbing it back when I beat him fair and square....

...Feeling so content just being...

...Loving the spring weather with one perfect sunny day after another (why did I wait so long?!?)....

...Trying so hard to learn Spanish and repeating the words I learn to Benjamin and listening to him snicker as I butcher their pronunciation... and still butchering them when I repeat them back to him (Mr. Triple Major, one of which was in Spanish)...

...Riding Penny, my Felt cruiser, to and from work.... and ringing my bell at people I pass as they smile at me....

See? The little things...

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