Little moments in life, the one's that normally go unobserved, often mean the most.
...Watching Benjamin mow the lawn for the first time, while Moonli and Makiah watched from a safe distance....
...Buying a BBQ for our kick ass backyard....
...Getting travel plans arranged for this summer's Spain/London extravaganza....
...Playing Mario Kart tournaments and listening to Benjamin dish out how much better he is than me and then rubbing it back when I beat him fair and square....
...Feeling so content just being...
...Loving the spring weather with one perfect sunny day after another (why did I wait so long?!?)....
...Trying so hard to learn Spanish and repeating the words I learn to Benjamin and listening to him snicker as I butcher their pronunciation... and still butchering them when I repeat them back to him (Mr. Triple Major, one of which was in Spanish)...
...Riding Penny, my Felt cruiser, to and from work.... and ringing my bell at people I pass as they smile at me....
See? The little things...
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