Monday, December 19, 2011

Updates coming soon, I promise!

Just put the keys to the new house on my key chain this morning!

Benjamin and I start moving tomorrow and are super duper excited but also swamped, leaving zero time for blog updates. But they are coming, I promise! Along with photos.

If you would have told me a year ago I'd be moving from Lovers Lane to Old Colorado City I would have thought you were insane. Yet it's really happening. Wow.

So much to celebrate! Winter solstice, 30 years of debt, amazing new neighborhood, a kitchen that puts my old one in Seattle to shame, 2012 just around the corner, a happy home - yeah, I'm pretty lucky.


mariselaTRi said...

CONGRATS!!! keep inspiring us... DREAMS DO COME TRUE!!! ..just keep chasing them! and never give up on them.. this rate i see someone will be rocking 2012!!! :)
For now. Good Luck with all the moving!
and no worries about blogging now. plenty of blogging for sure will come our way to delight your readers!! :) ..cant wait for those about an awesome 2012 season! ;)
Look. if ever make it to Colorado. Hope we can meet! and ride too :)

Dave said...

I think you need help breaking in that place sometime in the near future. Miss you and hope all is well. It sounds like it. Audrey is incredible!