Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Thirty three?!? What! What?!?

Oh boy, oh boy. Another birthday coming up, another milestone.

I'm feeling old tonight - as I didn't get carded at PCC when I bought a 22 oz. IPA. The big day is next week and as with holidays and special events, I am reminded of the circle of life.

Luckily, in my 32 years on this planet, I know how to make myself happy. Retail therapy happy. It was one of those, don't tell me the total, kind of nights. The pooch and I strolled into Fremont after an emotional day and I earned some miles. Not that I can get a round trip ticket around the world - but I can at least travel in the continental US. Yikes!

Last year I threw myself a huge party - 100 people showed up at my house on a Wednesday night, dressed in hill-billy attire and boogied down to the Tall Boys playing in my living room. Keg stand challenges ensued, yummy BBQ food consumed, bourbone drank and memories made. This year things are going to be more low key. But I am still coming up with a birthday challenge... I'm still formulating the perfect quest. All suggestions will be seriously considered.

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