Wednesday, March 05, 2008

My little sis

Turns 24 today. We're 6 years apart - and no, she wasn't an accident. Actually we took a family vote on whether or not to have another family member added to the clan and I remember screaming YES!!! and then resuming play with my Barbies.

I can't believe how quickly 24 years has whizzed by.

Yesterday we went for a quick jaunt to Magnolia to take in the views and hills. She bought a bike about a year ago and has taken up the love for cycling. Rumor has it she's going to dabble in racing once she's done with her second degree. How cool would that be? Move over Meare sisters!

Fortunately she got a flat - and wasn't prepared at all to fix it. No pump, no tube, no tire irons. I got to do my older sister duties and help her out - and was happy to do it. I love helping out the ones you love - just because.

Happy Birthday Marcy!

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