Friday, March 31, 2006


I've had a hard time waking up in the mornings. I've been putting in some extra long miles/hours on the bike this past week - and getting more than 8 hours a night of sleep - but I'm still feeling fatigued. Also it's early spring - which means the trees omit a pollen that make my asthma go crazy. At night I hack away at the gurggle in the back of my throat to try and clear it - I just hope I don't have another attack in the middle of a race like I did last year at Boat street.

Despite the increased miles (I'll have almost 300 for the week) - my body feels good. I've been making an effort to increase fluids and eating during the rides - which has helped my recovery time. I wake up feeling good in the morning - not stiff or sore - but fatigued all over. I think I have a rest week coming up soon - I've been building for about 3 weeks now. I'm getting sleepy just thinking about my bed right now.... maybe I'll take a nap later?

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