Thursday, November 30, 2006

Thinking about new years....

I decided last night that I am going to try and ride the rollers everyday before I have my first cup of joe. Why? Well why not? 30 minutes a day - can only increase my fitness and help me use my dusty skin suites.

I've been climbing a lot lately. It feels good to get some upper body and core strength going. I set a record this week by climbing three times. Amazing. I even bought a new pair of climbing shoes. Wow - things are getting serious. I swear it's the only thin keeping me sane while we experienced this winter storm. I don't see how the people in the heartland do it - training indoors that is. I would go stir crazy. Actually - I probably wouldn't have any interest in cycling. Maybe I'd be a professional curler or something.

I get to ride me bike outside for the first time since Saturday today. I'm stoked! Marcy and I are headed to the gym so I can beat the shit out of their heavy bag. Should be fun. I broke out my old pink gloves. Last time I fooled around I was sore for a day afterward. What a different kind of fitness! I miss boxing's intensity and discipline. It's the same in cycling - but I haven't found how to direct my workouts yet without the help of a coach. But I'm working on it.

I've been having a hard time with my dad lately. To make a long story short - he wants nothing to do with Ryan and have a relationship with me. I don't get it. I've expressed to him that Ryan and I are a pair - he is my world. And I told him that for us to have a relationship then he's going to have to soften his approach with Ryan. He said he wasn't willing to do that. Ouch. I refuse to get in the middle of it anymore though - but it still makes it a struggle every time the mud gets stirred up in the bottom of the pond. Funny how holidays bring out the monsters. I guess everyone needs a little Jerry Springer in their lives.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

ice ice baby

The parking lot is empty. Only a few SUV's with 4WD and studded tires decided they could fare the weather and come into work. Unfortunately I live at sea level - near Fremont - where it doesn't quite get cold enough here to prevent me from walking/biking/driving the 1.2 miles into work. Dang. Everyone else I know stayed home. But seriously - I only see a dusting of snow on the shady parts of the Canal. Although Ryan said it took Ben 3 hours to get home last night in what usually just takes 1/2. Crazy!

I'm going to try and make it in for a spin class tonight. Hopefully the instructor will show up. If not, then it's a solo venture on the trainer.

Monday, November 27, 2006


So this weekend while most of America was at the shopping malls adding to our obesity and over consumption problems, Ryan and I headed to the mountains. After our big extravaganza on Thursday and a late night, Josh, Molly, Ryan and I went to Crystal to get some turns in. They had a lot of powder - and although we didn't make it there until noon, we still skied our brains out and had a blast. Talk about being sore the day after though!

Saturday I went on a team ride - good thing too because it's now chilly out side and threatening snow. Do you consider 3 people a team? We did some mileage but I had a really hard time warming up and was thankful when I got home and we had clocked 50 miles. I came home to a trashed house - but who cares? It's all my mom's china and stuff anyways. It'll go back eventually.

Because Sunday was supposed to be snowy at sea level we decided to head north to Mt. Baker. Boy were we in for a treat. Powder was piled up to our thighs. We had a cut a trail to get down the mountain. It was amazing. We skied all day - despite Ryan's fogging up goggles. I have missed skiing so much since I started cycling. But all of the pedaling has paid off because I'm in the best shape of my life and things just keep getting better! It makes me smile just thinking of what a great time we had at the mountains. I wish I was better about taking a camera with me. All I can bank on is my memory - and creating more powder memories in the future!

The drive home was LONG. It snowed all the way to Bellingham. It took us 3 hours in what normally takes 1. But we made it home safe and sound and were sound asleep by 10. Nice. Let the recovery begin!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

I'm not sure if it was the weather, what I ate or what - but the last couple of days I've been in a serious funk. I think I'm finally over it - but holy moly I was down and out! Then yesterday, half way through - it felt like a curtain lifted and returned me back to my normal self. It was weird.

Now I 'm back to it and ready to tackle a day filled with prep for Thanksgiving. We're having 11 people join us - should be a packed house! Wow - there's a lot of work to do leading up to that dinner!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

What's more work....

Going around the lake in 55 degree pouring rain, with the last few miles in blistery winds


Coming home and raking leaves. (We have a curly willow, red tree from the neighbor, red tree from our house, and two baby Filbert trees in our front yard. Not to mention the neighbor across the street who has the biggest tree on the block but definitely produces almost as much waste as our willow.)

That's a tough one - good thing I just did both in one day! Lucky me when I got home the wind died down and the rain stopped. And feeling guilty about having a trashed yard for our Thanksgiving company, I figured, why not? It's all or nothing.

Oh - and I washed the car today. Now I'm considering going to the climbing gym. Yeah, I'm nuts.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Poor puppy

Did hill repeats on Juanita today. On my way down the shallow side I noticed a scared sweet puppy on the side of the road. I yelled at it to go home and continued down the hill, thinking it had just escaped and was looking for a cyclist to bite. Turns out it was a run away and while I was coming back up the hill my heart sank down when I saw a bunch of cars stopped on the road - honking. Luckily the little pooch was still ok - just scared and in the middle of the road. I called her over and searched for a missing collar. This woman pulled up in a BMW - she was going back to work and saw the dog in the middle of road and was concerned as well. My only option was to go to a neighbors house and call the humane society. But she did a good deed today and took it to her house, put it in her backyard with her dog and was going to call the humane society from home. Who knows - maybe she'll keep it? It was a sweet and really cute dog. But it's middle name is Hudini.

The repeats went well - some random guy in a white Buick honked at me and flipped me off for no apparent reason. I just laughed. :)

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Not that I'm counting or anything

But it has been 12 days of rain so far. As long as it stays cold and the mountains are getting ample snow - then I'm happy. Winter sports will start in about 2 weeks!

Anyone have any skate skis they'd like to off load?

Monday, November 13, 2006

mazama bound

Whoa that weekend flew by!

Friday night we went climbing with some friends and then ended up at Ben and Danielle's house for a fabulous dinner of black cod and chantrell mushrooms. Then we headed out to Sunset Lanes and got our bowling on till the wee hours of the morning. Fun times!

Saturday morning I was up bright and early for a team ride - which headed north up to Hollywood Hill. The majority of the crew split off from there and headed north and I headed back with Kate because of a previous obligation for a female psychologist workshop. We crested Hollywood at 11:30 - the meeting was at 1 so I tempo'd back home. Kate has a back injury so she ended up peeling off while I got in my intensity.

The meeting was good - lots of information and how to deal with your own inner demons about cycling. Carrie gave us each a list of different books to use as resources if we're interested. I'm definitely going to check them out.

Saturday night we headed out to the Palace kitchen with Lincoln, Shelly, Johovah, Annie, Annie, Jean-Paul, Sema, Ryan and Nicole. Quite a crew! Lincoln had made reservations at Jazz Alley to see the Average White Band. It was awesome! We were out late again - this time only till 1am because the garage closed.

Sunday we went to our first Seahawks game. Ryan's employer Pacific Ridge Homes won box seats from an auction and had a fully catered suite for about 8 of its employees. He won the tix about 2 months ago. Seahawks won over the St. Louis Ram's - a HUGE win for the division title and getting into the Playoffs.

We were exhausted by Sunday night. I didn't make it on my Cougar ride - but think it was wise to chill considering the blizzard outside and how physically tired I was.

And now it's Monday and Ryan and I are making plans for next weekend to go to Mazama and view a property we're potentially going to put an offer on. Should be cool!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Gobble gobble

So I put this decorative turkey on my breakfast table - and everytime the table slightly moves it pecks. It's pretty funny really - I think I'll name him Al. It's nice to know a turkey's got your back when you're typing.

Ah the rain and COLD is back. At least it's snowing in the mountains. The freezing level has dropped to 2000' and it's about 45 and raining here in the low lands. Isn't that right Al? Peck peck peck.

This is the third day in a row where I woke up with a stiff neck. I'm not sure when I pulled something - but it's not happy with me right now. Now if I could only get Al to peck the shit out of my neck....

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

beta or not to beta, that is the question

I really struggled on the bike today. I had the past two days off after a three day block and I feel like my legs are lead weights and they just won't put out the power my mind is trying to tell it to. And because I'm so damn competitive, I start getting down I'm not reach my specific interval. I pulled over, called Mr T and had him do a pick me up. And really, it is all in the mind of the beholder. After having a border line panic attack - and consoling with Ryan - I was able to pull it around and get in another solid effort. But that was all I had in me unfortunately. It just wasn't my day today.

These LT efforts are much harder than I initially thought - especially when fatigue starts to set in. I'm just working on the adaptation phase - and soon I'll be solid again. It's hard - but it's supposed to be. Truth be told - I ate like crap yesterday which is probably the reason my legs feel like shit. No more cookies, chocolate, mango and ice cream all in one day. What was I thinking? BINGE....

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Coleman the incredible

I must admit, I have the cutest nephew in the world. See?...

He loves, loves loves to laugh. And throws his head back like his auntie. :)

Monday, November 06, 2006

5 days and counting

So the cold weather moved east and the wet and wind took it's place. It's rained HARD the past 5 days in a row. I'm keeping track because last year we almost broke our record of 60 days in a row but on the 37th day it didn't rain in the particular spot they keep track of the precip and the record still stands.

I'm prepared for riding in this crap though, let me tell you. Last winter I put in the miles and hours on the bike - peaking at 22 hours last January. Needless to say I have my system down now. And good thing because I'd rather be wet and poured on than spending hours inside on the trainer. So for all of you wondering what I wear:

1. Bomber rain coat ( - keeps you dry from the outside in and has vents in the pits to help get rid of the sweat.
2. 3mm Diving gloves - sure they make your hands stink like an underwater basket weaver - but you're warm and that's all that matters.
3. Knee high wool socks.
4. 2mm Neoprene Booties
5. Dorky cycling cap (deflects the rain from getting into your eyes)
6. Clear lenses that cover 1/2 your face.

Hmmm.... am I forgetting anything? The only bummer is - as soon as you stop all of that heat you've been generating causes additional moisture and unless you plan on moving again in 5 minutes, you get chilled down to the core and then your mind starts playing tricks on you.

Training has been good the past 3 days. We're working on increasing my threshold by riding just below and around it. 11 more hard core training days and then I test again up Cougar to see if it's making a difference.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Cougar Test

It was chilly yesterday - high of 44. Miller and I talked and I'm ready to get down to business with training so yesterday I headed out to Cougar Mtn to do the shallow side and put out some serious power. I managed to get on my bike by 3:30 pm - knowing full well I would be riding home in the dark. So I strapped on my lights, pumped my tires and got a flat before I even left the house. Good thing it happened at home. I changed it quickly and was out the door trying not to burn all my candles on the hour and and half ride out to the base of climb.

This is the first test I've done where I haven't psyched myself out - and really put the pedal to the metal. I made it to the half way point in 18 minutes - not bad! Last year my PR was 25. I summited just as the last sliver of sun set over the Olympics - in 37 minutes. I made up the most time in the first section - now I need to work on continually putting out the power in longer duration. I was pretty happy about it but from here on out I have to do some serious threshold training to improve my power.

The ride home was SLOW - but it was cool doing it on Halloween and seeing all the kids out trick or treating. Oh I remember those days. MMMMmmmmm candy.

Miller was going to put on a training camp this upcoming weekend for his athletes - which I was uninvited to. Apparently it's a guy thing and unless I want to sleep on the floor - NO THANKS! - then I get to battle my threshold training solo. Even Molly is staying home. Manfest 2006 continues on...